Thursday 27 October 2011

Screen printing trials....

Screenprinting using peat 

I have been trying to use the skills that I learnt earlier in the summer, remembering each process and the correct sequence, learning to handle the large screen safely, washing correctly etc., there is a lot to learn.
There is a lovely atmosphere at the Edinburgh printmakers,, everyone working away quietly, calm focused concentration. Everyone is extremely helpful and supportive. I find it hard to break off for lunch or tea, being so engrossed.
I am also trying to use peat itself for screenprinting which I have used before but only in my own studio, not with all the correct equipment which makes it a lot easier. I have mixed it to the correct texture and have been surprised how even delicate text and drawings can come out. Lovely clear colour with depth.

I was surprised how much I can get done once the screen is ready and was able to organise a visit to the library and herbarium meeting Dr.David Long at the Royal Bottanic Gardens Edinburgh, which was extremely interesting. Looking at the samples of Sphagnum skyense in the herbarium and finding out more about this sphagna.

Isotype of Sphagna skyense at the herbarium

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